A lot can happen in a year!
Have you ever just felt stuck and didn't know what direction to go in?
That was me almost a year ago. I was unhappy with my life and looking for a way out. I had a friend who was a flight attendent for Delta. She loved it! I thought about the pay and the perks. I could travel and just pay tax for a flight anywhere in the world. This inspired me to apply. She gave me a referral. It was a 6 month process. I had a video interview, an assessment, and a phone interview. After the phone interview if they like you, they fly you out to Atlanta for a face to face interview. The whole process lasted about 6 hours. I got a thanks but no thanks (tbnt) email like 2 months later. It was an incredible experience. I got to see the Delta Headquarters. I met some great people. Some of us are still in touch. I learned alot from that trip to Atlanta! I was proud of myself for making it that far. Over 125,000 people applied with only 1,000 flight attendant openings. It has been said that it's easier to get into Harvard University. The interview process and training is intense.
Can you become a flight attendant if you have a mental illness?
Absolutely, I actually know some that do. It can be done, but it would be hard on your body. Especially if you fly internationally. The different time zones and air pressure in the cabin could be detrimental to your health.
Since then, I have gained so much clarity. I love the direction of my life. I have so much peace. I am decorating my sanctuary. I love my career. I have new friends. The ultimate goal in life is happiness. You have to be real with yourself. You have to acknowledge when you are unhappy and trying to run away from your problems. Eventually, you will have to deal with them. Don't self-sabotage yourself by continuously making the same mistakes or continuously being stuck. Moving forward, I will no longer run from my problems. I will only come up with solutions. One decision can change your whole life.
A lot can happen in a year.