My First Lesson

My First Lesson

Since I was a little girl, I've always wanted to be a mother. I think it's my cancer moon. I'm a nurturer. When you have a mental illness, you have to plan your pregnacy. At least that would be a great decision for your health and the baby. But, things happen. 

I got pregnant when I was 14. It was my very first time. I got into a fight with a girl at school. When my teacher pulled us apart, she yells across the room "Yeah bitch that's why you're pregnant." I was so confused. What the hell was she talking about? I found out that my child's father had told everyone but me that I was pregnant. He was older then me, and more experienced. He was fully aware of his actions. I was sent to the principal's office and my teacher called my mom. When my mom arrived she was frantic, the first stop was to purchase a pregnancy test. Once we got that my mom took me over my grandmother's house. She hands me the pregnancy test. I walked into the bathroom and close the door. It was positive. I was 5 months.

Things happen!


Homeless with a Mental Illness

Homeless with a Mental Illness

The Stigma

The Stigma