Choose Growth. Choose Peace.
Hey girl,
It’s been a minute. I haven’t been inspired to write in a while. It’s been months! Sorry!! I’ve been spending a lot of time cleaning up my social media. Unfollowing negativity and following those who inspire me to become a better woman. In the process, I have noticed that there is a lot of jealousy and self hate circulating around these social networks. It’s easy to get caught up and unconsciously become a participant. That’s why it is best to eliminate it from your feed.
Let’s dig deeper.
A lot of us have unresolved trauma from our childhoods that we haven’t dealt with yet. We refuse to seek help from a therapist, because that means something is wrong with us. To admit that, would be too much to handle. So instead, we spill all of our self hatred out into cyberspace unknowingly. This becomes our therapy, Never really dealing with the trauma just disguising it. We then internalize this way of coping as this is just social media it’s not real life. While you can be anyone you choose to be on the internet, there are patterns and clues to how one thinks. So many of us are hurting, but won’t seek help because what would our followers think. Some of the most negative influencers have the most followers. That’s scary! The reason this should concern you is because these people are setting the tone. Who do you think your little sister, cousin, or daughter will try and imitate?
That’s why it is so important to practice self-care. When you begin to love yourself there will be certain things that you won’t do. It will change your entire outlook on the world around you, and how you want the world to see you. You will feel a sense of inner peace that you will want to protect at all costs. The saying that, “some of us are getting older, but aren’t getting wiser”, is so true. It’s so unfortunate when you see a lady in her forties or older still doing and thinking the same things she did in her twenties. Don’t let that be you. Choose to love yourself. Choose Growth. Choose Peace. I will share a list of five ways you can change your life for the better.
FIND YOURSELF- What makes you happy? What are you passionate about? What are some goals you want to achieve? When you focus on yourself and what will make you happy. You have no time to worry about minute things.
GET RID OF THE DRAMA- Do you know someone that no matter what day of the week it is there is always some drama? If you do, let them go! The less you invite drama into your life the faster you will see your life change. My secret is this, have less friends. It’s a proven fact that you are more likely to be involved in drama within a group versus by yourself. Think about it!
READ MORE- Pick a book or check out some cool blogs. The more you learn the more your mind expands. You will get so bored with basic conversations that you will steer far away from them. You will want to know more and want to experience some of things you have read about. That means you will become a more well-rounded person. Your conversations will be even better, and you will start to attract more positive relationships into your life.
GET A PET- I read an article about how pets can be good for your mental health. I chose to get a cat. His name is Blue. He is the cutest. No matter how hard it maybe for me to get out of bed, I get up for him. After a long day, I come home and he is so excited to see me that he greets me at the door. I love the cuddles and kisses. It just brightens my whole mood.
EXCERCISE YOUR GREEN THUMB- Plants are so beautiful and remind you of how amazing nature can be. Start out small and then get several. You will be so delighted when you see their growth. You can equate them to your growth as well. When you first got them you knew nothing about them (yourself), you found the patience to love them and nurture their growth. We are all like flowers with the proper care and patience we grow into amazing gifts to the world.
There Is enough hate and negativity in the world. Why not be different? I leave you with this quote.
“People who project negativity typically have low-esteem. They feel badly about themselves, and their negativity is simply a reflection of those feelings.”