Gone Mental

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Elevate Your Aura, Elevate Your Life

Have you ever met someone for the first time, and they tell you that you have a beautiful spirit? Or, I love your vibe? Or even, I felt drawn to you?

I hear this all the time. Just recently, while I was at work my customer gave me a compliment about my aura. As she was leaving, she turned around, told me that I was so beautiful, and so was my smile. She told me that I could just light up a room. When I get compliments like this, for me it’s confirmation that I am in alignment with my authentic self.

In order to give off this incredible light, you must first love who you are. I’m not talking about the things that are surface level, or even the titles that others have placed on you. Who are you? What things do you love about yourself? Do you feel comfortable being alone? What makes you different from everyone else?

I have asked myself these questions, and now I know the answers. I can honestly say that my understanding of who I am, has ultimately given me many opportunities. You must be passionate about your self-development. Take the time to nurture yourself. Heal yourself from any past trauma. You can’t do this alone. You need a mentor, therapist, or both. That support system is vital in order to do the work. These people will be honest with you, and hold you accountable. If you are not ready to heal, or even admit that you are not okay. You will remain in a victim mentality which is low vibrational, and who is attracted to that? Only people who haven't done the work themselves will want to be around you. Is this what you think you deserve?

There are so many things that I love about myself, and some things I don't. But, I continue to do the work. I don't let my insecurities rule my life. I decided to be my best self, which is a continuous journey. I realize that there is no such thing as perfection. I allow myself to make mistakes and give myself grace. This understanding has increased my self-esteem, and the way I view the world as well as the people in it.

Self-actualization is not just any level on Maslow's “Hierarchy of Needs.” It is the highest level we should be striving for, and ultimately separates the high and low vibrational beings. The need for growth should outweigh any obstacle. It should be your driving force not to be complacent. You have to know what you really want out of this thing called life. You must know who you are, and who you don't want to become.

My superpower is making people fall in love with themselves. I often hear, that people can truly be themselves around me without judgement. I make them feel comfortable. It's my gift! Not everyone has it. It's what makes me different. This is the reason I started this blog. To help women who are a part of this tribe feel beautiful. To inspire and uplift. Women who know there is bigger and better. I challenge you to find a therapist or a mentor you can trust, and do the work. I end this blog post with one question.

Who are you?